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Our mission is to promote charitable giving, build and manage charitable legacy funds and endowments, and provide grants, scholarships, and other resources to benefit the residents and communities of western Colorado.
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Our fundraising goal is $100,000 and is based on actual requests of D51 middle and high school principals for cell phone storage in their schools.

Our Community Foundation is launching an education and fundraising campaign to support School District 51’s new policy to ban or limit cell phone use in classrooms across our School District. This policy is a response to increasing concerns over reduction in academic performance and declining mental health related to social media and cell phone use on youth well-being. Studies show that the more kids use social media, the more likely they are to experience anxiety and depression. Cell phones in schools also disrupt student learning, attention, and socialization.

Our Community Foundation is working closely with Superintendent Brian Hill and his administration team to support their efforts by purchasing phone locking or storage devices for classrooms. These lockers and devices will assist classroom teachers in enforcing the new policy; cell phones will be away during classroom time so teachers and students can focus on learning. Teachers can teach and not be policing the use of phones, which will be stored away from student use during classroom learning time.

2023 Annual Report

2023 Give Where You Live

 Give Where You Live is a motto of the Community Foundation field and is also the name of the commissioned piece of art by local artist Gayle Gerson, featured on the cover of this report. In 2023, our organization focused on transitioning and preparing for the next phase of growth and long-term sustainability.


Over $170 Million
in assets

$6.6 Million
distributed annually

Charitable Funds



Create a Fund to make your own Philanthropic impact, and WCCF staff will help you every step of the way -from planning your initial gift to making the impact you desire. You can also login to manage your existing fund at WCCF.



WCCF is a philanthropic resource for attorneys, accountants, financial advisors, bankers, and insurance agents so that they can help their clients navigate the forces of growing personal wealth and the desire to make a long-term difference.



Our Community Foundation awards over $5 million in grants annually to non-profits throughout western Colorado. Additionally, we are committed to supporting and strengthening non-profits in addition to grant funding so that all communities continue to benefit.



Our Community Foundation offers 38 different scholarships established by generous donors who believe in the importance of education and the future of the next generation. Local students can apply for college scholarships from scholarship funds at WCCF. Learn more about the eligibility criteria and application process of these scholarships.

Local Community Funds

Since 2002, our Community Foundation has partnered with local steering committees within some of our counties to create Local Community Funds (LCFs). These funds support nonprofits and programs in their areas. This “give where you live” philosophy has resonated for the community members there who value their homes and want to preserve and grow everything that makes their region the place they love to live.

Leadership Work

Our Community Foundation is a convener, connector, and collaborator, providing technical assistance to non-profits and resources to partners working in areas related to our leadership work.

About Us

A community foundation is a place-based charitable institution that serves as an umbrella organization holding multiple funds and providing financial support in the form of grants to nonprofits and scholarships to students. A community foundation is built up over many years, by and for the people who live in a particular community or region, to address needs and support opportunities to improve the quality of life there. Most, but not all funds are permanent endowments, providing financial support in perpetuity for good for the community.



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Local Community Funds & Affiliates

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