The parents on the bus 
scroll on and on.

Baa, baa, black sheep, 
Mommy’s on her phone.

It’s raining, it’s pouring, 
and Daddy keeps scrolling.

Your phone doesn’t need you.

They do.

The working parent spends more time 
with their phone 
than their baby.

It may seem hard to believe, but the average Millenial working parent spends 4 hours and 37 minutes a day with their phone. That’s nearly 70 days of your child’s first year.

Is your phone getting in the way of your baby?

This PBS production explores the importance of eye contact with babies.
Simple gestures like eye contact, smiling, and talking are more than just bonding moments—they’re foundational to your child’s brain growth. Your presence matters more than you might realize. 

Phone use can lower communication with 
our babies by up to 39%.

When we’re absorbed in our screens, communication with our babies drops by 20%, and the exchange of non-verbal cues like smiles and eye contact decreases by 39%. These early interactions help babies feel secure and understood, laying the groundwork for all future learning.

How Every Child Can Thrive by Five.

Breaking down the research-backed ways parents and caregivers can support children's healthy brain development.
Seven-year-old Molly Wright highlights the benefits of play on lifelong learning, behavior and well-being, sharing effective strategies to help all kids thrive by the age of five.

How to (actually) reduce screentime.

Turn off non-human notifications.
Social media, games, and emails can wait. Prioritize your baby and give them the undivided attention they need for healthy development.
Create device-free zones.
Set specific areas in your home, like the baby’s room or the dining table, as phone-free spaces. This simple boundary can help foster deeper connections and more meaningful interactions.
Use screen-time 
Just as we set screen time limits for our children, we can set them for ourselves. Reducing our own screen time can help us be more present in the moments that matter.
Replace screen-time with playtime.
Instead of reaching for your phone, reach for your baby. Playtime isn't just fun; it’s a critical way to support your child's cognitive and emotional growth.

Leave your phone in another room when nursing, feeding, or engaging with your curious little learner.

The first three years
of life are the most important for lifelong mental health and 

These early years are a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to lay a strong foundation for your child’s future. They are the building blocks for their emotional, social, and cognitive development.

Take Action. 

Download the Toolkit.

Download the Toolkit
Looking for ways to make a bigger impact? Our toolkit is here to help you take action. Download posters, brochures, and social media posts  to spread the word about the importance of mindful parenting and screen-free time.
Descargue el kit de herramientas
¿Le interesa generar un mayor impacto? Descargue carteles, folletos, publicaciones para redes sociales y otros recursos que le ayudarán a compartir con los demás la importancia de la crianza consciente y de pasar tiempo de calidad sin estar pegados a las pantallas.

Resources for Parents and Caregivers.

Be Tech Wise with Babies
Read More →
Be Tech Wise with Toddlers
Read More →

Dive Into the Research.

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